14-year-old boy was hit on the side of the head with a baseball bat during practice

14-year-old boy was hit on the side of the head with a baseball bat during practice. Boy was conscious in the beginning. A laceration with a palpable bone fragment was found in the wound. After 5 hours the boy became unconscious and later died. Most likely the cause of death is :slight_smile:

Extradural/Epidural Hemorrhage. The History is characteristic. LUCID INTERVAL is seen in case of Epidural Hemorrahge only. In case of Epidural hemorrhage, The Person first becomes unconscious and then again become Conscious and this period is known as LUCID INTERVAL.

Lucid Interval is seen in case of Insanity and Epidural hemorrahge. And this point is Important both Medico-legally point of view and treatment. If treated at this particular point, The person can be saved and prevented from going into further complications.

EDH - young boy, high velocity impact, lucid interval - all pointing towards EDH