19 year old male Clinical notes: Jaundiced

19 year old male
Clinical notes: Jaundiced.

Hb 108 g/L (135-175)
MCV 90 fL (80-100)
WCC 20 x10^9/L (3.5-10.0)
Plt 300 x10^9/L (150-400)
Retics 490 x10^9/L (25-120)

DAT was negative

Haptoglobin <0.08 g/L (0.16-2.00)

Total Bilirubin 85 umol/L (<21)
Conjugated Bilirubin 27 umol/L (<8)
ALP 198 U/L (60-200)
AST 178 U/L (10-40)
ALT 199 U/L (5-40)
GGT 165 U/L (5-50)
LDH 1135 U/L (120-250)

CRP 13 mg/L (<5)
ESR 86 mm/h (1-12)

Additional information and a diagnosis will be posted in 24 - 48 hours. In the meantime what are your thoughts?