26-year-old man presents to the emergency department with burns on his chest

32 years old lady .c/o abdominal pain for 3 days, intermittent at first , worse after meals , occuus for 30 min but now pain is constant, stool having light pink appearance, jelly like. What is the diagnosis?

  • a. Messnteric ischemia
  • b.ischemic colitis
  • c. intussception
  • d. portal vein thrombosis
  • e. mesenteric vein thrombosis

0 voters

26-year-old man presents to the emergency

department with burns on his chest. He had a

fi ght with his girlfriend and she threw boiling

water at him, splashing his chest and arms. The

burns occurred about an hour ago, and are distributed

on the upper third of his left anterior

trunk and cover most of his left proximal arm.

The patient’s temperature is 37.4°C (99.4°F),

blood pressure is 127/74 mm Hg, pulse is 80/

min, respiratory rate is 18/min, and oxygen satu-ration is 99% on room air. The burns are quite

painful, swollen, and erythematous, with blister

formation. The application of pressure produces

blanching and is quite painful. Which of the

following is the most appropriate management?

  • (A) Admission to hospital and intravenous antibiotic administration
  • (B) Cleaning and dressing of the burns, and analgesics as needed
  • © Lubricant application and analgesics as needed
  • (D) Referral to a burn center
  • (E) Surgical evaluation for debridement and grafting

0 voters

Which of the following conditions shows, recurrent migratory polyarthritis involving the knees and large peripheral joints, with elevated ESR and elevated Antistreptolysin O titres?

  • A) Sickle cell disease
  • B) Type II Hyperlipoproteinemia
  • C) Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy
  • D) Hemophilic Arthropathy

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