3 diseases that kill 36 million people every year in the world

3 diseases that kill 36 million people every year in the world
(Ajmal Khan Baloch)

More than 67 million people are affected by influenza flu every year and die from 3 TO 5 lakhs but till today there is no debate on these metrics nor the world was downloaded.
Why didn’t the universal campaign be played like a corona against t ’ jaundice and ạy̰ڈzḵے?
In the world every year, more than 36 million ạfrạdty̰n diseases, T ’ jaundice and ạy̰ڈzsے, are affected in the face of death while the world is afraid of the corona virus, so far, the number of infected patients of the corona virus in the world. 17 million and more than a million people have been killed. According to the U.S. infectious disease institute, c, 35 thousand citizens of the United States are killed by the " infectious flu flu according to the United States Government Institute Institute of health, every year, the world’s tomorrow. 9 % of the population means 67 crore is affected by this and the mortality rate is 3 TO 5 lakh annual.

If you keep these stats in front of them every year, more than 67 million people are affected by influenza flu and die from 3 TO 5 lakhs but till today there is a debate on these metrics and not a big campaign in the whole world. It was played nor the world was locked. In the whole world, people with weak immune system ‘small children and ạwrbzrg’ are an easy target of “infectious flu” in 2017 and 2018 the flu in the whole world has 80 thousand deaths because it is a fast outbreak disease.

The flu of influenza flu and tea is like a corona virus. The patient’s food is the use of a patient’s use of the patient’s use of the patient’s use of the patient, the flu and the flu. I can move. Now, the number of 24.5-million people who swallow more than 36 million people, take a review of the 36-day-old and aids numbers. The number of patients of HIV (AIDS) in June 2019, according to the U.S. Institute of aid report. It was million while in 2018 this disease was taken away by 7 Lakh 70 thousand people. The number of people who died in 2010 was 8 Lakh 60 thousand.

In the report of the year 2019 of the International Institute of health (ڈBly̰wạy̰cẖ) about tp, I have been told that from t to 15 million deaths around the world and 15 million people came in front of the world. While 4 Lakh 84 people were born again after getting health. Hepatitis Is the eighth largest cause of deaths around the world, due to this disease, about 14 million people lose their lives. Hepatitis Disease is basically called inflammatory liver. There are five types that are a, b, c, d and e. Hepatitis B and c are declared as ‘SILENT KILLER’ because the patient of these diseases usually knows when either they get their test. Or his liver should be dangerous to the dangerous extent.

According to a careful estimate, one third of the population of the land of criticizing is found in the germs of t. But the number of affected people is 5 crore. Only in Pakistan, 5 lakh people are victim of the disease of t. And 70 of them are near to death. This microscopy jrtẖwmạ is a very tough life in its existence, which is very fast divided into millions of millions of crores, while the real target of tuberculosis of tuberculosis is sought, this germs through breath. The lungs enter the lungs but some times spread in the whole body through blood.

The scientists have more investigation on the details, nature and etc. Then it is known that this jrtẖwmạ lives in the form of a couple of strands and if it enters the body through the breath, then the years will be alive. Even the fatal remains. In many countries, the export jrtẖwmے of the t are found in the bones of the past. This also makes the people who are weak in their control. The germs in the lungs of the affected person are divided in the lungs of the body. The numbers spread in the air, crying, running or sneeze.

In the meantime, if they enter with breathing in the lungs of a healthy person, they are reared in subtle subtle jھl̃y̰wں that the temperature of the lungs, moisture and healthy cells give a healthy diet for its development. It is active in the body for the years of years, and it is active in the form of strength, or any other disease. ’ this is the disease of the t. 90 % of the lungs or the sought, but some times it is the lmf. The number of patients in the world are the victims of 5 million patient multi-Drug Obstetrics, including reproductive organs, brain, bones, couples, liver, kidney, kidneys, digestion and skin. 35 thousand is worth it.

About Hepatitis, the International Institute of health says this disease is the eighth largest cause of deaths around the world. 14 lakh people have lost their lives due to this disease. The Global Hepatitis Report of health health. According to the number of patients of hepatitis B in the world, the number of patients of hepatitis B has also exceeded 25 crores, which is 3.5 % of the population of the world and the number of patients affected by Hepatitis C 07 crore There is a million which is a percentage of the population of the world.

In the world, at this time, 32 crore 80 million people are victims of different hepatitis. Every year, 17 lakh 50 thousand Hepatitis C’s new cases are coming. If Pakistan talks about it, then from 111 More people go to the face of death as a result of hepatitis B and c, the number of people in Pakistan is more than crore in which the majority of them have no knowledge about their disease.

The deaths of pakistan hepatitis are much more than the deaths in the result of t, dengue, malaria and aids. According to the world health health, 7 crore 10 million people in the world are in the disease of Hepatitis C. 10 % of me or 71 million people are found in Pakistan. According to a recent report of the world health, 3 crore and 25 million people around the world are victims of hepatitis. This is the trust that hepatitis B and c is a big issue of health in the world, but till today this life is killing. A Universal Regenerative campaign for the disease has not been played.

This is how the HIV is the abbreviation of the “human autoimmune virus”. This virus weakens the immune system of the body, due to which the affected body seems to have trouble in competing with common infections and is extremely sick. This virus also has the ability to move from humans to humans and animals from animals to humans. More than 40 years ago, when aids was identified for the first time, it was considered as a death sentence.

The International Institute of health, also offers its responsibilities to celebrate the international day of aids every year in the world. US President Trump’s present consultant health Dr. Anthony Fạw̉cẖy̰ has also been a part of the international team to research on aids. In order to prepare medicine for treatment, this pill could not end the end, but it is said that it prevents the virus from moving from the patient to another living.

The Corona virus has changed the world within two to three months and has given birth to a new term “the world before the corona and the world after the corona” this is the same term which is in front after nine eleven It came to the end of the world, how true is the conspiracy, it will only tell the time to come, but such a big Muslim campaign and suspicious stats have forced people to guide the plots. Due to the corona, there is not only a loss of trillions of dollars, but many countries of the world have reached to the bankruptcy. Similarly, in the past history, the biggest rate of unemployment is being seen in the whole world.

For this research all the stats are taken from International Institute of health (w) ’ DC ’ John Hopkins ’ Y̰wnsy̰f ’ Y̰wạy̰s National Institute of health and USS ED.