“45 Pathology MCQs “ came from “DPMA-e-learning app" and "notes"

“45 Pathology MCQs “ came from “DPMA-e-learning app" and “notes”.

A) DPMA-e-learning (online app): www.idpma.co.in

  1. Android link: http://bit.ly/2QXuP8y
  2. iOS link: https://apple.co/34dgjyq

B ) Concepts In Pathology (live lectures) : www.drdeveshmishra.in

  1. Smoker (Image Squamous to Columnar change): Metaplasia (Chapter 1, Topic: cellular adaptations and cell injury : 56 to 58 min)

  2. Werner cause - DNA helicase mutation (Chapter 1, Topic: calcification and aging : 29 to 32 min)

  3. NO is synthesised from- Arginine ( Chapter 2: Topic inflammatory mediators: 7.28 to 7.56 min)

  4. Granuloma with horseshoe type nuclei containing giant cells in a case with cough and lymphadenopathy and history of cough : TB (Chapter 2: Topic Granuloma: 14.28 to 20 min)

  5. Pedigree chart with history of Marfan syndrome – AD (Chapter 3: Topic pedigree symbols and approach : 40 to 41.06 min)

  6. True about Huntington - Trinucleotide disorder (Chapter 3: Topic ; Genomic imprinting and trinucleotide repeat mutations: 42 to 46 min)

  7. Interleukin that produce IgE Ab: IL4 (Chapter 4: Topic Hypersensitivity and graft rejections : 2 to 4 min)
    8 ) Isograft - between twins: (Chapter 4: Topic Hypersensitivity and graft rejections : 50 to 51 min)

  8. Post transplant mc infection: CMV (Chapter 4: Topic Hypersensitivity and graft rejections : 1.05 hrs to 1.07 hrs)

  9. SlE rash (Chapter 4: Topic Mechanism of autoimmunity and SLE : 44 to 46 min)

  10. Swan neck deformity +PIP involved DIP spared- Rheumatoid Arthritis (Chapter 4 : Topic scleroderma, Sjogren synd, and RA; 52 to 59 min)

  11. Wiskott Aldrich syndrome (Chapter 4: Topic, Immunodeficiency : 34 to 35 min)

  12. Initiator of thrombosis: - Endothelial injury (Chapter 6: Topic haemostasis and coagulation: 5 to 7 min)

  13. CPD is better than ACD:- Maintain pH>> improves oxygen transport (Chapter 6: Topic Transfusion Reaction : 33 to 38 min)

  14. A 25 male with fatigue, Hb 9gm%, MCV 102 fl, , Peripheral smear with Macrocytic RBC and hyper segmented neutrophils: Megaloblastic anemia (Chapter 7: Topic Megaloblastic anemia : 20 to 36 min)

  15. Vitamin B12 rich: Animal food (Chapter 7: Topic Megaloblastic anemia : 2 to 3min)

  16. 10 years old child with abdominal pain, painful extremities with anaemia, and shrunken spleen (auto splenectomy) - Sickle cell Anaemia (Chapter 7: Topic Sickle cell anaemia : 23 to 28 min)

  17. Non-smoker with lung gross (Emphysema) - Alpha 1 antitrypsin (Chapter 10: Topic Chronic bronchitis and emphysema : 17 to 33min)

  18. PAN - HBsAg positive (Chapter 9: Topic PAN, Kawasaki and TAO Chronic bronchitis and emphysema : 2 to 9 min)

  19. Kawasaki disease: Conjunctivitis, cervical ln, polymorphic rash (Chapter 9: Topic PAN, Kawasaki and TAO : 10 to 16 min)

  20. Reperfusion injury ( Histopathology change in reperfusion injury) :- contraction bands necrosis (Chapter 9: Topic MI changes and RHD: 7 to 13 min)

  21. Endocarditis: Large , friable vegetations seen in? Bulky vegetations - Infective vegetations (Chapter 9: Topic Endocarditis and Vegetations: 20 to 29 min)

  22. Recurrent oral ulcer with venous thrombosis-BECHETS Disease (Chapter 9: Topic, Small BV vasculitis, WG, Mi-PAN, : 34 to 38 min)

  23. Loss of foot process – MCD (Chapter 11: Topic MCD: 1 to 13 min)

  24. Patient with malaise, hematuria. HPE showing crescentric GN. EM with arrow pointing at breaks in GBM (RPGN) with no history of haemoptysis. Next step – anti-GBM (Chapter 11: Topic RPGN and Alport syndrome: 7 to 18 min)

  25. ADPKD patient with c/o loose stool and abdominal pain : Colonic diverticulosis(Chapter 11: Topic Vascular Lesions, Cystic Lesions of Kidney and Renal Stones: 21 to 23 min)

  26. In achalasia which is reduced- NO and VIP is REDUCED. ( Chapter 13: Topic ; Esophagus, Diverticulum, achalasia, Mallory Weiss tear and Boerhaav syndrome: 25 to 27 min)

  27. Person ate last night heavily. Morning pain abdomen…X-ray.pneumomediastinum: Spontaneous rupture of Esophagus (Boerhaav syndrome ) ( Chapter 13: Topic ; Esophagus, Diverticulum, achalasia, Mallory Weiss tear and Boerhaav syndrome: 39 to 43 min)

  28. Celiac - diarrhea with villous atrophy and CD8 Lymphocytic infiltrates: Antigliadin antibodies (Chapter 13: Topic ; Malabsorption and celiac disease)

  29. 5 years old with rectal polyp HPE - Juvenile polyp (Chapter 13: Topic Neoplastic polyp, Inflammatory polyp, hyperplastic polyp and hamartomatous polyps: 20 to 24 min)

  30. Ileal resection/defect: Vitamin b12 def (Chapter 13: Topic Malabsorption; Tropical sprue, whipples disease, amebiasis, giardiasis, pseudomembranous colitis: 7 to 9 min)

  31. Hurthle cells and lymphocytic infiltrates – Hashimoto thyroiditis (Chapter 18: Topic; Thyroid gland ,Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto thyroiditis and DeQuervain Thyroiditis : 24 to 30 min)

  32. Thyroid swelling with Orphan annie eye Histopath – Papillary Thyroid carcinoma (Chapter 18: Topic; Thyroid, Hypothroidism , Hyperthyridism, and Thyroid neoplasm : 43 to 47 min)

  33. Patient has fatigue and not gaining weight. Body is warm. Investigation will show-Low TSH and high T3/T4 (Chapter 18: Topic ;Thyroid, Hypothroidism , Hyperthyridism, and Thyroid neoplasm: 10 to 20 min)

  34. A child develops septic shock following meningitis. On examination the child has a petechial rash as shown in the figure: MENINGOCOCCUS (Chapter 18: Topic Adrenal Gland and Pathology : 7 to 10 min)

  35. Not seen in ACTH deficiency-HYPERPIGMENTATION (Chapter 18: Topic Adrenal Gland and Pathology: 12 to 14 min)

  36. Female with ambiguous genitalia-21 alpha hydroxylase deficiency (Chapter 18: Topic Adrenal Gland and Pathology: 44-47 min)

  37. White foul smelling discharge in genitalia with itching. o/e strawberry vagina: Trichomonas vaginalis (Chapter 17: Topic Female Genital system, Infections ; HSV, POX virus, Warts, Bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas, actinomyces, chlamydia: 27 to 29 min)

  38. Mucin and breast lesion - colloid carcinoma (Chapter 15: Topic Pagets disease and invasive breast carcinoma: 17 to 19 min)

  39. Hard lump on upper outer quadrant of breast-FIBROADENOMA (Chapter 15: Topic Breast tumor classification, Fibroadenoma, Breast cancer risk factor & mol classification : 4 to 16 min)

  40. Swelling examination: mobility in only one direction – HP showing Verocay : schwannoma (Chapter 12: Topic Brain Tumor: 1.01 hrs 1.08 hrs)

  41. In MS , slow conduction of motor and sensory pathway is due to-Loss of myelin (Chapter 11: Topic ; Prions, Demyelinating Disorders and Alzheimer Disease: 15 to 23 min)

  42. Recurrent episodes of pain, abdomen tenderness, fever and jaundice -PSC (Chapter 14: Topic Chapter Biliary cirrhosis and Primary sclerosing cholangitis : 7 to 13 min)

  43. 42 year old patient with obstructive jaundice, ALP, GGT and haptoglobin is increased-ALCOHOLISM (Chapter 14: Hyperbilirubinemia and Liver Function tests : 7 to 18 min)

  44. Duchenne Muscular dystrophy: Dystrophin absent.