A 15-year-old pregnant elephant

This is heartbreaking :broken_heart:
A 15-year-old pregnant elephant, belonging to the Silent Valley National Park, Palakkand, India was killed when a hooligan fed her a pineapple packed with firecrackers inside; a trap which is allegedly used to snare wild boars. When the situation came to the knowledge of the forest officials, they brought in two Kumki #elephants, Surendran and Neelakantan to bring the injured elephant to the shore from the river; but the pregnant elephant passed away in the river, while in a standing position, trying breathe despite injuries to its mouth and trunk. The incident was brought to light by Mohan Krishnan, Section Forest Officer, Nilambur, on his #Facebook page where he had acted as the Rapid Response Team official to rescue the elephant which was in distress. “I have so far done more than 250 postmortems of elephants alone in my more than two decades career. But this was the first time I was so moved as I could hold the foetus of the baby in my hands. Initially, none of us was aware that the elephant was pregnant. After I had seen its heart and then happened to see the amniotic fluid did I realize that it’s pregnant”, stated Dr David Abraham, Assistant Forest Veterinary Officer, who performed the post mortem.