A 17 year old man history of easy bruising. On examination he is obese. Investigation reveals potassium 2.3. What is the most likely diagnosis?

  1. A 17 year old man history of easy bruising. On examination he is obese. Investigation reveals potassium 2.3. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Conn Syndrome

B. Addison’s disease

C. Cushing Syndrome

D. Pheochromocytoma

  1. A 35 year old man with BP 140/80mmHg is having micro-albuminuria. He has never been diagnosed with hypertension. Diabetes has been ruled out. What is the most appropriate next step?

A. Renal biopsy

B. Renal scan

C. Refer to renal unit

D. Start ACE inhibitor


  1. A 6 months old infant has a breast milk jaundice. He is otherwise feeding well and is not dehydrated. What would his liver function tests look like?

A. Total bilirubin: 40 , conjugated bilirubin < 5%

B. Total bilirubin: 300 , conjugated bilirubin 85%

C. Total bilirubin: 500 , conjugated bilirubin >85%

D. Total bilirubin: 400, conjugated bilirubin <85%

E. Total bilirubin: 500, conjugated bilirubin <70%

  1. An old man presented with fever and weakness. On examination he was found to have rashes as shown in the given picture. Choose the right option from the following options.

A. Plantar Petechiae

B. Lipoderma Sarcoma

C. Talengectasia

D. Cellulitis

  1. A 30 year old man with complaints of left sided abdominal pain was diagnosed with gastric ulcer. On USG incidental finding of gall bladder stone was noted. What is the most appropriate management?

A. Lap Cholecystectomy

B. Statins

C. No treatment

D. Lithotripsy