A 18 yrs old male, when meet with there friends, the confusion between them mouth bad smell, what is your Rx and Dx?

A 18 yrs old male, when meet with there friends, the confusion between them mouth bad smell, what is your Rx and Dx?

with this kind of English, I wonder where you got your medical degree?

Almed, that is it; i have observed the group and my findings had made me to become disappointed.I Taught it’s form by professionals.

If a doctor is writing such simple things wrongly then how will u write hepatosplenomegally

Aron musila wakafa, you are roung. English is not her language she is trying because you can’t even write her language

The one criticizing the way she deliver her idea… seems didn’t notice her/his own grammar…as long as you understood it…though it seem not right.its ok… we all have our own languages…respect is s key word…though

Stomach problem
Cap…cyra D 1od ×21d
Syp…amlycure 2tsf tds 1month

Bad breath of mouth is called Halitosis
It had many causes like Bad oral hygine, tobacco , smoking, Spicy and highly Aromatic foods ete
Its treatment is that brush mouth with toothpaste twice daily
Also rinsing hot water with salt for 5 minutes twice daily

For uper mouth use miswak and night time use tooth paste…because mouth is more darty then anus

Improper oral hygiene, he should use the mouth wash or good tooth paste or any spray

Any gastric problem. Or hiccups etc. Dyspepsia or flatulence etc. Or any mouth or gum disease. ?

Brush the teeth at least after every meal and rinse the mouth mouth with listerin or hydrogen peroxide syrup

Bad breath of mouth is called Halitosis
It had many causes like Bad oral hygine, tobacco , smoking, Spicy and highly Aromatic foods ete
Its treatment is that brush mouth with toothpaste twice daily
Also rinsing hot water with salt for 5 minutes twice daily, use mouth washes…!!Try to eat foods thats produce more salivation