A 20 year old Mr. XY admitted in hospital with acute lobar pneumonia

A 20 year old Mr. XY admitted in hospital with acute lobar pneumonia. What antibiotic will be use most probably:

  • A. Ampicillin plus sulphonamide
  • B. Ampicillin plus gentamycin
  • C. Ampicillin plus chloramphenicol
  • D. Ampicillin plus tetracycline
  • E. Ampicillin plus cephalosporin

0 voters

Answer: https://bit.ly/3efZSHt

Which one of the following can cause Secondary diabetes mellitus:

  • A. Hypothyroidism
  • B. ACE inhibitors
  • C. Addison
  • D. Hemochromatosis
  • E. Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency

0 voters

Answer: https://bit.ly/2CbNOcb

What is the treatment of choice in patients with anaphylactic shock:

  • A. Hydrocortisone
  • B. Nor-adrenaline
  • C. Chlorpheniramine
  • D. Adrenaline
  • E. Atropine

0 voters

Answer: https://bit.ly/2NbLHYm

Which of the following is the most accurate test for an infectious disease?

  • A. The protein level of fluid
  • B. Culture
  • C. IgM Levels
  • D. IgG Levels
  • E. Gram stain

0 voters

Answer: https://bit.ly/37EM0nX