A 4-year-old boy is brought to the pediatrician by his worried mother

A 4-year-old boy is brought to the pediatrician by his worried mother. She notes that he “urinates 10 times a day and is always drinking water.” She also reports that despite eating more than either of his brothers did at the same age, he is not gaining any weight. Which of the following human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types is associated with the most likely diagnosis for this child?

  • (A) HLA-B27
  • (B) HLA-B51
  • © HLA-D11
  • (D) HLA-DR2
  • (E) HLA-DR3

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Mid-age female with skin rash in different areas, migratory painful peripheral joint(small jonits) and inconstitent dysuria and change in the color of urine since afew months ago. recently she has noticed respiratory symtoms and in further investigation pleurisy has noted.

  • 1-SLE
  • 2-rheumatism?
  • 3- pericarditis

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