A 53 year old woman has anorexia and increasing breathlessness

A 53 year old woman has anorexia and increasing breathlessness. She has stage 4 adenocarcinoma of the lung and now requires full support with her activities of daily living. She takes diazepam, cyclizine and zopiclone.


  • Sodium 122 mmol/L (135-146)
  • Potassium 3.2 mmol/L (3.5-5.3)
  • Urea 6.2 mmol/L (2.5-7.8)
  • Creatinine 58 mmol/L (45-95)

Which is the most appropriate management of her electrolyte disturbance?

  1. 1.8% sodium chloride by intravenous infusion
  2. DDAVP nasally
  3. Demeclocycline orally
  4. Fluid restriction
  5. No treatment indicated

E. No treatment indicated


Although she likely has SIADH, she is asymptomatic from this and so no palliative treatment of this is necessary.