A 58-year-old man with longstanding type 2 diabetes mellitus has poorly controlled hypertension despite taking multiple hypertensives

A 58-year-old man with longstanding type 2 diabetes mellitus has poorly controlled hypertension despite taking multiple hypertensives. Which of these features would NOT be suggestive of a Non-diabetes-related endocrine cause of hypertension?

  • Significant proteinuria
  • Low serum potassium
  • Episodes of sweating and palpitations
  • Pigmented striae
  • A history of hypercalcemia

Answer : Significant proteinuria.
Proteinuria may be a feature of longstanding hypertension of any cause and is a typical finding in diabetic nephropathy.
Low potassium may suggest hyperaldosteronism; sweating and palpitations are associated with pheochromocytoma; and pigmented striae suggest Cushing’s syndrome. Hypercalcemia has been linked to hypertension.

Can anyone tell me what is Cushing’s syndrome and symptoms of it