A G4P3 presents at 39+3 with contractions lasting 60 seconds every 5 minutes

§A G4P3 presents at 39+3 with contractions lasting 60 seconds every 5 minutes

§There is no history of SROM

§She is otherwise well and has no significant medical or obstetric history (3x NVDs)

What is the next step in management?

§On examination the cervix is in mid-position, and dilated 2cm

§No liquor or blood is seen

Is she in labour?

What management is appropriate?

§She opts to go home, returning 3 hours later with a good history of SROM

§On repeat examination she is at 8cm

§She is therefore transferred to labour ward

§2 hours later she goes on to have a NVD, passing the placenta 20 minutes later

§Following delivery she has a heavy lochia, and looses an estimated 500mls of blood

What is this known as?

Does she have any risk factors?

How should she be managed?

What is the most common cause?