A lot of you have the doubt on how to choose dnb hospitals

A lot of you have the doubt on how to choose dnb hospitals.
See understand first that there is just one way to be absolutely certain about the course. Personally visiting the hospital to talk to the resident and consultant. I wanted to take ortho in gangaram, ruled it out after talking to the resident there. Then went to visit satya sai. Ruled that out by seeing it. Baptist bangalore was also good.

Call up the reception of the hospital if you don’t know anyone there or that place is too far to visit. Ask for the number of the resident in the branch you want to take. Most hospitals being corporate, they will give you if you say you are an aspirate. Figure out how to get the number. I had a list of over 25 hospitals when I took ortho.

Surgical branches in general depend a lot over the college you are doing it in. The mere fact that whether they allow you to scrub in will depend on how quickly you can gain the confidence of your consultant. That being said, government hospitals and railway hospitals should always be preferred.

Radiology and paediatrics are easy to get in dnb, but really hard to get out. The biggest reason is because of the general exam toughness in dnb. A lot depends on who is taking your exams, where you get the seat. But remember, if you know your shit, they can’t fail you. Know what you are doing, and be confident. Learn to be calm and make an informed decision.

A lot of persons will discourage you from taking dnb. But understand something, it is you who must be in control of your life. Dnb offers a very obvious advantage, no bond. This cannot be emphasised enough. Also, its always branch over degree(dnb medicine is better than md anaesthesia!).

There are some very good hospitals in dnb. For example, dnb obg in howrah District hospital West Bengal is good. Shishu mangal hospital kolkata is even better than Ms surgery. But I know them because I am from kolkata. I will request everyone to chip in with their inputs regarding the hospital in their place.