A patient newly diagnosed RVD with complaints of non productive cough

A patient newly diagnosed RVD with complaints of non productive cough, and hard nodules n swollen left hip region n leg:
duration of 1 week.
RESP /ROS: no dyspnoea, no haemoptysis, no chest pain.
O/E:sick looking ,afebrile, with non significant findings.
Local exam: notable firm n hard nodules on left thigh region.
non pitting oedema.
non tender.
RESP. EXAM: equal chest expansion on palpation
percussion note resonance,
normal tactile n vocal fremitus.
auscultation ,chest clear no added sounds

Impression: KS lower left limb ? pulmonary ks r./o PTB in RVD patient
OLAN: CXR; punch biopsy for histology,fhg,
sputum for gene xpert.
CXR as attached to this case.

Excellent… Thanks for good information