An 8 month old child had a congenital heart murmur which disappeared at the age of one. What is the most likely diagnosis?

  1. A patient presented with atrophy of the thenar eminence, difficulty in abduction of the thumb and paresthesia on the palmar aspect of the lateral three and half fingers. Which nerve is affected?

A. Radial nerve

B. Ulnar nerve

C. Median nerve

D. Axillary nerve

E. Posterior Interosseous Nerve

  1. A 3 week old girl has been brought to the emergency department. She is lethargic, unwell and not feeding well. Her temperature is 38.5°C, HR 90bpm and RR 20breaths/min. Her skin, chest, abdomen, ear and throat examinations are normal. What is the single most appropriate management?

A. Admit for full infection screening

B. Admit for full infection screening and start broad spectrum antibiotics

C. Admit for serial examination and observation

D. Discharge with broad spectrum antibiotic

E. Discharge with oral antipyretic

  1. An 8 month old child had a congenital heart murmur which disappeared at the age of one. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Ventricular Septal Defect

B. Atrial Deptal Defect

C. Patent DuctusArteriosus

D. Innocent Murmur

E. Mitral Regurgitation

  1. A 30 year old woman has brief episodes of severe shooting pains in the rectum. Rectal examination and flexible sigmoidoscopy are normal. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A. Anal Hematoma

B. Anal Fissure

C. Rectal Carcinoma

D. Proctalgia Fugax

E. Piles

  1. A 6 year old girl with urinary incontinence about 3 times (during the day) in 6 month. What is the most effective treatment?

A. Desmopressin

B. Alarm Bell

C. Behavioural therapy

D. Restrict fluid

E. Thermal dilution ( ficks method)