As an IMG Foundation trainee and my Foundation School's regional FY2 representative

Hi everyone. As an IMG Foundation trainee and my Foundation School’s regional FY2 representative, I try as much as possible to help other IMG FP trainees as I know how difficult this journey is. I also have a seat on the UKFPO’s Foundation Doctor Advisory Board and try my best to think of ways to help all Foundation doctors.

I have a number of projects that I am working on, one which pertains to self-development time for Foundation trainees and the other which helps trainees keep as up to date as possible. There was a recent incident in which trainees were not aware of a very important specialty recruitment webinar and so I took it upon myself to configure a number of bots on a Telegram group to forward messages, posts and RSS feeds from the UKFPO and other key stakeholder accounts to keep Foundation doctors as up to date as possible. Some of these posts have great opportunities as well, such as the RCPath Foundation Fellowship which I know many trainees were unaware of.

Feel free to join the Telegram group and spread the word. It’s still a work in progress but everything works for the most part. This will be featured in the Foundation Bulletin as well, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Please don’t talk to the bots.
