Baker Naviess (Baker Melance). Becker's nevus

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Baker Naviess (Baker Melance). Becker’s nevus

There is a fatal black stain of skin. It usually presented as a big, black stains or spotted with the growing growth of hair on the upper trunk in men. It doesn’t harmful nor any other complex. The Mango is found in the generations.

Usually it usually feels the presence of the sign before puberty, but due to male hormone, often increases fat hair growth during the youth and a little size increases in a little size.

Treatment is necessary in case of extreme cosmetic or psychological reasons. There is a way for the q swy̰cẖ ڈ laser system treatment.

A Becker nevus (Becker melanosis) is an acquired, benign, melanocytic epidermal proliferation of adolescence.

It typically presents as a large, hyperpigmented patch with increased hair growth on the upper trunk in men. This lesion is not uncommon and is found in all ethnicities.

Lesions are usually present before puberty but often have increased coarse hair growth and a slightly raised texture during adolescence due to androgen stimulation. Rarely, there can be associated hypoplasia of the underlying tissues (eg, breast hypoplasia, pectoralis hypoplasia, or limb hypoplasia). Most Becker nevi have no associated abnormalities.

Other rare associated findings include acne, acanthosis nigricans, spina bifida, scoliosis, pectus carinatum, accessory scrotum, lipoatrophy, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. A few cases of melanoma in association with a Becker nevus have been reported.

Treatment is only required in rare cases for severe cosmetic or psychosocial reasons.Pigment targeting Q-switched laser systems are treatment of choice.