Best prognosis amongst the following histological variants of breast carcinoma is seen with

Best prognosis amongst the following histological variants of breast carcinoma is seen with -

    1. Intraductal
    1. Colloid (Mucinous)
    1. Lobular
    1. Medullary

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  • Sabiston writes

“Infiltrating lobular breast cancers carry an intermediate prognosis, whereas tubular and mucinous cancers are the least clinically aggressive cancers.”

  • Also see what CSDT writes about prognosis of breast cancers

  • "The stage of breast cancer is the single most reliable indicator of prognosis. Patients with disease localized to the breast and no evidence of pathological involvement of the lymph nodes have the most favorable prognosis.

  • Axillary lymph node status is the best-analyzed prognostic factor and correlates with survival at all tumor sizes. In addition, increased number of axillary nodes involved correlates directly with lower survival rates.

  • Biological marker status, such as ER, PR, grade, HER-2/neu, aides in determining the aggressiveness of a tumor and are important prognostic variables, but no markers are as significant as lymph node metastases in predicting outcome:

  • The histological subtype of breast cancer seems to have little significance in prognosis of invasive carcinomas."

Also Note:

Worst prognosis- is of Infiltrating ductal carcinoma NOS

Explanation of the term NOS

  • NOS stands for ‘nothing otherwise specified’
  • invasive breast carcinomas are of two types - invasive ductal and invasive lobular types.
  • Invasive ductal carcinoma is further subdivided into many histological subtypes. When the histology of invasive ductal carcinoma shows some special differentiated features they are classified into special type such as Medullary, mucinuos (or colloid), papillary and tubular
  • But most of the invasive ductal carcinomas are of no special type and hence classified as NST or NOS type.
  • These are the most common type of breast cancers.