Birthmarks, or nevus, as they are also called, are bening growth on the skin


Birthmarks, or nevus, as they are also called, are bening growth on the skin. Nevus called so because it consists of derivatives of nevus cells. Birthmarks do not have specific locations, they can be placed in any area of ​​the skin all over the body. By themselves, the mole in its original form did not represent any danger to human life or health. Everyone has such pigmented patches. In most cases, birthmarks rarely attract wary of its owner, but if something starts to bother you (you should pay attention to increase in size, changing the color and shape), then you need to think about removing moles that cause suspicion.
Nevuses are usually divided into two types by origin:
-Congenital. Moles are already on the baby’s skin the time of birth;
-Acquired. These birthmarks occur at any age.
Why do birthmarks appear?
The reason why there begins to develop a nevus, unfortunately, isn’t established yet. But watching its formation, experts have identified some of the basic laws:
a heredity. The information which is incorporated into the DNA of each person, from generation to generation is duplicated. Therefore, there is no wonder if a child has a nevus on some “family” part of the skin. Often such nevus has the same shape and size as other family members has.
Ultraviolet, or just sunshine. There are many claims to it: it has the most active influence on the organism generation of the pigment melanin, which accumulates in the cells, melanocytes, and forms the basis of nevus. In direct sunlight are formed small nevuses that can become a big problem after a time, and even the old birthmarks, that for dozens years didn’t bring any trouble, under direct sunlight can degenerate into a malignant tumor.
Skin injuries, its infection. Many doctors are inclined to think that the X-rays are also the cause of nevus. Bites of various insects are aldo insafe. If the wound on the skin doesn’t heal for a long time it may be that “button” that will “launch” mechanism of nevus formation in the skin.
Extremely strong hormonal splash during puberty or during pregnancy will provide guaranteed appearance of nevuses. But such nevuses with the same success can disappear without a any trace while pregrancy.
When is the birthmarks removal necessary?
Which nevus is necessary to remove, only a specialist can solve, since the nevus removal is a very serious matter. The main danger lies in any nevus that can regenerate into malignant tumors (eg melanoma). Should you remove nevus or not depends on its “behavior”. Any changes: increase in size, change in form, a change of color, any manifestation of pain, itching at the site of nevus - cause for immediate visit to the doctor. Only he, having considered all the “pros” and “cons”, can give an answer.

  1. Asymmetry. One half of the nevus does not match the other.
  2. The uneven border. When the edges of the nevus have uneven or irregular shape.
  3. Non-uniform color. When the nevus partially changes its color or changes the color of the skin around it.
  4. The large diameter. Diameter of nevuss is more than 6 mm.
    Also, if a nevus is injured it shoul be removed. This refers not only to the injured nevus, but also to a nevus, which is located in areas potentially exposed to injury (nevus constantly rubbed by clothing or vice versa - it is located on open, vulnerable place where the nevus is easy to injure. Removal is necessary if it is located in the armpits, in intimate places, where they can be injured while shaving). The thing is, any nevus injury is a danger of the beginning degeneration of a nevus to a malignant tumor, so removal is necessary as a measure of prevention. Before the removal procedure you should consult a doctor-dermatoonkologist, and decide which method is the most optimal for you.
    Also, nevus can be removed not only in the case of cancer indications for its removal, but also for cosmetic purposes. Even if the nevus does not bother you, you can still remove it. This will not affect the formation of new nevuses. This is especially relevant in cases where the nevus located on the place, where it is possible to trauma (clothing gum, chain, or any other means). Keep in mind that removal of a mole should be engaged only by a specialist, as any injury or incomplete removal may be the reason for its rebirth in melanoma. Removing the nevus, which, in your opinion, impairs your appearance, is possible only after consultation with Dermatooncology.
    Nevus that is on the closed areas of the body can be removed at any time of the year. If there is a chance to hit the removed nevus by direct sunlight, then it should be removed at the time of the lower solar activity: in late autumn, winter or early spring. But if the risk of cancer the nevus removed immediately, regardless of the season and solar activity. It is necessary to not remove nevus at cosmetic salons (there are often staffed by people who have no medical training). And also is really unacceptable self-removal of a nevus at home. Predisposition to the degeneration of a nevus into cancer has to stop the most avid supporters of traditional medicine. To remove nevus you’ll need to see a doctor Dermatooncologist, who will examine your nevus. With the same purpose, you can visit directly an experienced surgeon. Specialist by clinical examination will draw conclusions about the state of your nevus and, if necessary will give recommendation to remove a nevus.
    Methods of birthmarks removing:
  5. The surgical method.
    It is the most common method. Preferred when removing large and deep skin diseases, and also used in the case of cancer. The disadvantage of this method - the scars that remain on the spot of the surgery. If nevus is located on the face, such method is undesirable.
    Video “The surgical method of nevus removal”
  6. Laser.
    Advantages of laser surgery consist in the fact that all bacteria are killed during the procedure. Scars are simply not available due to a lack of contact skin with the tool. The entire process of removing a nevus takes about 10 minutes. This method differs by small diameter of treated surface and a certain depth of exposure with a laser beam to the desired location, whereby the surrounding tissue almost are not damaged. The only side effect - after surgery remains a small redness area on ​​skin, which will pass soon.
    Video “Nevus removal by laser”
  7. Radiosurgery
    Currently is the most effective method for removing skin lesions. The procedure is performed using a tool, that allows almost no damage to healthy tissue and can be used to remove benign and malignant tumors. Due to the fact that this device at the same time cuts, stops the blood and disinfect the place of impact, after the procedure there is virtually no trace. After surgery, on the site of the impact there is a crust that prevents scar tissue formation and the penetration infection in the wound. Also, removed such method nevus can then be sent for a biopsy.
    Video"Nevus removal by Radiosurgery"
    Remember that only a specialist (Dermatooncologist) can determine the type of your nevus, and which type of removal will you need.
    Skin care after a birthmark removal.
    Do not worry about the fact that caring for body will be long and difficult after the surgery, in fact, anything difficult is not facing you:
  8. Time of the special skin care after nevus removal lasts only 2-3 weeks;
  9. In the place of nevus removal formed a protective crust, to which is needed the careful attitude (under the crust begins the healing process). Do not rub the crust, and especially do not try to tear it off, otherwise there will appear the scar on the skin; For some time you will need to gently smear the crust with ointment, which will appoint a doctor.
  10. The first time, be careful not to soak the injured area of the skin, and do not apply cosmetics (except the sunscreen, if needed). Protect the area of remote nevus from mechanical damage, do not rub it, do not wear tight clothing.
  11. After 7-9 days after the nevus removal, as a crust will disappear, on the skin remains smooth pink layer, which should be protected from ingress of ultraviolet rays, ie, Avoid going to the solarium, do not get carried away with tan and so on. In the summer, try to wear wide-brimmed hats and use sun-cream with spf at least 60, (because young skin is reduced in these areas are more sensitive to UV light, and there can happen persistent pigmentation). Even in winter for extra protection (if the nevus has been removed on the face, neck or hands) use a sunscreen sprays; This should be done until the healed site will not be compared with the surrounding skin in color; You will see the final aesthetic effect only after 4 months, during which the body will finally form a cutaneous covering.
    Frequently asked Questions:
    What is the melanoma?
    Мthe melanoma is one of the types of malignant tumors. The basis of melanoma, as the nevus basis, are the melanocytes cells. But these cells are very aggressive. They are all the time divide and displace other cells in the space where they are. Over time, these cells become crowded so they get into the bloodstream and then spread throughout the body. When one such cell adjudget,for example, to the lungs or brain, it settles there and starts dividing. This process is called metastasis.
    When does the melanoma appears?
    There are some risk factors that can trigger the appearance of melanoma. First, a genetic predisposition. Then, the presence of dysplastic nevus - border nevus. These moles are like a fried egg in the center - dark circle ( “yolk”), and all around - a lighter shade ( “protein”). In the presence of dysplastic nevus increases the risk of melanoma (not necessarily in this nery nevus). Next, the risk factors are sunburns experienced in childhood (especially - at the fair-haired and blue-eyed, red-haired and prone to the appearance of freckles).
    What kind of birthmarks should be removed?
    It is recommended to remove nevuses that are permanently injured from contact with clothing and placed on the scalp, chin, neck, groin, on the women back (dangerous the constant friction of bra fastener) and in the skin folds. And be sure to remove nevus, which can be reborn in the melanoma.
    At what age can I remove birthmarks?
    You can remove nevus at any age. It is only not recommended to remove nevus for small children without medical justification, because on the site of removed nevus may be formed keloid scars as a teenager.
    What to do if you accidentally injured your nevous?
    You must first stop the bleeding using a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to put on a nevus dry gauze, folded in several layers, press by fingers and hold for 5-15 minutes. If the nevus fall off completely, it should be wrapped in gauze soaked in saline solution (available at pharmacies), and sent to the histological analysis (histological study helps to accurately determine the presence of hazardous cells and tumors. Histology test can be done not only in the clinic (in the diagnostic laboratories), but also in various centers of paid (a doctor who studies tissue - pathologist). If nevus is injured partically you should contact a medical facility (to the surgeon or dermatolooncologist), where nevus will be properly removed and sent for analysis.
    May I pull out the hair on the nevous?
    It is better to cut the hair on the nevus, but not to pull out. By the way, vegetation in moles is a good sign. This indicates a high degree of maturity of the cells. The “fluffy” nevus is less likely to develop into melanoma.
    Can a birthmark be “created” for aesthetic purposes?
    It can be. It is made up by the tattoo. But you should keep in mind that for today there are no methods that could remove this tattoo without any consequences.
    Today there are on a sale drugs on the basis of celandine, designed to remove warts. Can I use it to remove birthmarks, papillomas?
    Neither the nevus nor papilloma or wart shouldn’t be removed by yourself by any means. Juice of celandine in its composition is similar to iodine. Therefore, long-term effects of this drug on the basis of this plant causes skin burns. Thus, nevus greatly injures and can trigger the development of skin cancer.
    If a birthmark starts to increase in size during last time, may I remove it?
    During the nevus’ life it may grow in size, but if this process is very intense, you should consult a dermatooncologist and he will give an opinion on whether you should remove it or not, and what way is better to use for this purpose.
    I want to remove a birthmark on the face usibg laser, but I have the fear that after the removal some mark will remain on that place. Is there such a probability? Or any signs that previously on this place was a birthmark will not remain?
    In place of nevus removal can be formed a small cicatrice, but you’ll can easily get rid of it with the help of laser resurfacing.
    Whether it hurt to remove nevus?
    It isn’t hurt to remove nevus. There are two ways to anesthetize the desired area of the body:
  12. make an injection;
  13. Smear a birthmark anesthetic;
    Is it true that when you remove nevus, it can appear again at the same place?
    As for the тумгы re-growth after the removal procedure - it is possible only in the case of poorly conducted procedure (when in the skin is still a part of nevus left, which makes re-proliferation). When properly conducted nevus removal the re-growth never occurs.
    How goes the process of nevus removal?
    You should come to the consultation, ehere a specialist (surgeon, Dermatooncologyst)will set a diagnose and decide which method to use to remove your nevus. Special tests for this are not required, You can remove nevus in one day with consultation if you want (consultation + remove). During the procedure the nevus is analgesic, and removed. If necessary, removed material is sent for histological examination to set the exact type of neoplasm. The histological examination you’ll have to pay in addition.