Can someone briefly answer :

Can someone briefly answer :

  1. what is the effect of INSULIN and GLUCAGON on glycolysis in muscle and liver?
    2)what are primary regulators of glycolysis in MUSCLE :muscle:?
    3)what are primary regulators of glycolysis in LIVER ?
  2. difference between EPI and glucagon on glucose metabolism?

hexokinase and glucokinase are regulators of glycolysis. Glucokinase works in liver and hexokinase works everywhere else except liver. In states of high insulin, glucokinase is upregulated in the liver to yield glycolysis and vise versa it is inhibited in states when there are glycolysis products in blood such as fructose-6-phosphate for example. Hexokinase on the other hand is not induced by insulin. It is just inhibited by glycolysis products just like glucokinase

Difference related to epi is in receptors it activates. In liver it acts via alpha receptor and in muscle acts via beta receptor (though in muscle it can also use alpha). But mainly beta is used in muscle. In muscle adenylate cycles and in liver Calcium from Er and everything down the way leads up to activating glycogen phosphorylase