Cancer thrives in a required environment only

Cancer thrives in a required environment only .

Sharing you the words of a follower of our page whose family member had liver cancer metastastized and was told the survival to be 6 months approx but survived 12 years by creating hardcore diet plan by a nutritionist doctor specialized in cancer .
Here is what he said :

It depends on where the cancer is.
The diets are specifically catered to their blood test results.
Although there are some across the board must haves.
Only organic chicken if eating meat.
Distiller for all liquids,
Organic produce.
No dairy etx
Your diet must be extremely clean… You must eat certain foods with other foods so they work together to create an effect.
Keep it alkaline too… Apple cider vinegar is create… Its acidic, but leaves an alkaline Ash in the stomach.
Cottage cheese and linseed oil mixed together has a brilliant interaction with your gut - which is where your bodies health is driven by.
There’s alot to it… Some times dependant on blood results… You may have to do 2 weeks of pure juicing of specific fruits to realign your levels.
Its very case by case.

My experience is liver cancer that spread to lungs.
A large tumour in the portal vein causing immense pressure is what killer them…relaxing on the diet allowed it to grow a little to big… Other than tht she was a perfectly able woman and you wouldnt of known she has stage 4 cancer.

Also a positive mindset. Stress hurts the body, so being stress free is vital… We had no scans or hospital appointments in the end… Acted like it wasn’t even there.
Making sure your body doesnt work overtime to digest foods is key… You can create a hostile environment if you eat to much food that is hard to process… Cancer thrives in those environments