Chronic venous insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) affects up to 90% of society in their lifetime, yet few physicians recognize the symptoms or refer to a vein specialist. This leads to delayed care & complications that could’ve been prevented. Do you recognize these CVI symptoms?

This chart shows CVI symptoms that are often overlooked and the incorrect treatments and referrals often given by PCPs and other providers.

Whats with the “Its cosmetic” and “live with it” comments? Any specialist who says those things to a patient needs to have his license to practice medicine removed.

These are very common comments patients tell me that their PCP told them

To tell ANY patient those things at any stage in a disease that is treatable and has a very negative effect on them is deeply irresponsible.

You might like to revise the title line to show that these are comments from Primary Care Providers… and IGNORANT ones at that.

I have all of these and have only ever gotten the “live with it, cosmetic” comments from physicians. Live in Canada and it’s really hard to find a treatment path. The nightly charley horses are awful. I will keep looking for someone to help.