Crazy pharmacology

Crazy pharmacology …

You give Zidovudine as a part of HAART to improve the patient immunity , however it is a marrow suppressor and may cause pancytopenia .

You give Sulfa or Dapsone to treat PCP , however it may worsen dyspnea by precipitating methemoglobinemia in some patients .

You give cyclosporine after renal transplantation , however , it is one of the nephrotoxic drugs .

You give primaquine to prevent relapse in malaria and RBC hemolysis , however , it may precipitate hemolysis in G6PD deficiency .

You give LRA in asthma patients , however , it may be associated with development of Churg Strauss syndrome with vasculitis .

You give antiarrhythmic drugs to treat arrhythmia , however , they are inherently proarrhythmic and may ppt even more serious arrhythmias .

You give heparin to treat thrombosis , however , it may be associated with HIT and more thrombotic events