Cs passed from first attempt

Step 1 209
Ck 230
Cs passed from first attempt
No visa needed.
Yog 2010
19 publications :point_right: (3 peer reviewed articles +8 oral presentations + 8 non peer review articles about public health)
Multiple volunteering, worked overseas with many humanitarian organizations.
USCE 1.5 year
Applying for FM, IM and Ped
What are my chances? How many programs I should apply?
Applied last year but didn’t match.

Thank you in advance

Step 1 209
Ck 230
Cs passed from first attempt
No visa needed.
Yog 2010
19 publications :point_right: (3 peer reviewed articles +8 oral presentations + 8 non peer review articles about public health)
Multiple volunteering, worked overseas with many humanitarian organizations.
USCE 1.5 year
Applying for FM, IM and Ped
What are my chances? How many programs I should apply?
Applied last year but didn’t match.

Thank you in advance