CT for Suspected Radiographically Negative Wrist Fractures

CT for Suspected Radiographically Negative Wrist Fractures: A Prospective Diagnostic Test Accuracy Study⁠

Images in a 20-year-old man with clinical suspicion of wrist fracture after trauma and with negative findings on radiographs. A, Coronal T1-weighted MRI scan, B, coronal conventional CT scan, C, transverse reformation of a conventional CT reconstruction, and, D, dual-energy CT color-coded virtual noncalcium image of right wrist. Bone marrow edema (arrowhead in A and D) in the distal radius is visible both at MRI and dual-energy CT. Although the intraarticular fracture line (arrowheads in C) can be seen with conventional CT, involvement of the epiphyseal plate is appreciated only on MRI and dual-energy CT scans.