Day1 to day8 only 6 more days in the hospital and we get to go home to her sisters she hasn't seen and really misses

Day1 to day8 only 6 more days in the hospital and we get to go home to her sisters she hasn’t seen and really misses. So since her skins healed this is the longest she has been without a flare up in the last year it’s been 5 days she usually only gets a a couple days before another one we even gave her foods like milk and cheese to test it while she is in hospital nothing happened. Allergist said she wasn’t allergic I was still watching those things because of her flareups. Has me thinking it might be our cats or something in the house like chemicals I clean with which I’m going all green now she is also allergic to pecan pollen which we and neighbors have one so there is alot doc. said wouldn’t matter if I cut it down. Are there any meds she can take for the pollen besides zyrtec? Also have a relative willing to take cats maybe test it out for a couple months. This was scary I almost lost her I’ll do whatever I have to even if it means not having my cats I will still visit them. If anyone has recommendations on a HEPA purifier I want one for the living room/kitchen not very big area maybe the size of 2 small rooms. Also for her room . If anyone know of good affordable ones. Thank you.

My daughter and I started having eczema in the last house we lived in. I have never had any skin problems in my life until then. We found out it is because the house we rented has toxic levels of mold. Even the people who moved in right after us ended up leaving there after only 2 months because a couple members of the family got so sick. It slowly and permanently destroyed my health, and now I have tons and tons of environmental allergies, SIBO, histamine intolerance, body swelling, and a lot of pain from swelling because we stayed lived there too long. I am now working with a registered dietician and a functional/integrative doctor to heal my gut and try to get somewhat back to normal. Now I have allergic reactions to food, even though I am not allergic to any foods. Mold is a very common problem, and some people are just overly sensitive (my husband didn’t have any issues), so it’s worth at least looking into because for some people, eczema is the only reaction. I really hope it’s something else in your home a lot more simple to deal with that you are able to figure out though! Good luck in finding the cause and I hope that she gets to a point where she’s not having those flare-ups very soon!