Decrease in cell size refers to -

Decrease in cell size refers to -

    1. Atrophy
    1. Metaplasia
    1. Hyperplasia
    1. Hypertrophy

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  • Shrinkage in the size of the cell by loss of cell substance is known as atrophy.
  • Atrophy may be physiological or pathological.
  1. Physiological atrophy —> Atrophy of notochord and thyroglossal duct during fetal development, and decrease in uterus size after parturition.
  2. Pathological atrophy Atrophy may occur from different causes e.g.,. decreased workload (atrophy of disuse), loss of innervation (Denervation atrophy), Diminished blood supply, Aging (Senile atrophy), inadequate nutrition, or pressure.

Mechanism of atrophy

  • Atrophy results from a reduction in the structural components of the cell.
  • Increased protein degradation probably plays a central role in atrophy.