Do not waste time , once suspect ,start treatment and then confirm

Do not waste time , once suspect ,start treatment and then confirm …examples

1-Lyme disease >>> start doxycycline and confirm later .

2-Giant cell arteritis >>> start high dose oral prednisolone and then confirm .

3-Pulmonary embolism or DVT >>> start heparin and then confirm ( or exclude)

4- Meningitis >>> start benzyl penicillin ( 1yr care) or cefotriaxone with or without Amoxicillin and garamycin .

5-Cerebral toxoplasmosis >>> start sulfadiazine + pyrimethamine in HIV or immunocompromised patients with acute neurological insult and focal single or multiple lesion .

6- Malaria >>> with strong clinical suspect of severe malaria , start IV quinine or alternative even if the first blood film is negative