Do u people sometimes feel emptiness inside ? Meaninglessness of things u do?

Do u people sometimes feel emptiness inside ??
Meaninglessness of things u do ?

Do u people sometimes feel emptiness inside ??
Meaninglessness of things u do ?

bt we always try to reason out ,try to give meaning to all the things we do ?we will always try to give meaning to our life won’t we ? If not , there won’t be push in life isn’t it ? I cud feel the constant nagging in my mind all the time abt something i cudn’t understand…many wud have felt the same na ???:slight_smile:
the answer might be a bit long sorry …
have you ever been to a potluck ? A potluck a meal or party to which each of the guests contributes a dish.
We all enjoy the dinner because we are served a wide variety of dishes to enjoy our palate with . While making those dishes no one thinks about the meaningless of it because they know if they wish to attend the feast they need to contribute.
Same way the basic amenities that we get at house,electricity,internet,radio,television each and everything is a product of someone’s hard work and years of productivity from the mere making of a design to the finished product so many people have given their hours to make our lives easier with technology and gadgets.
So in order for me to enjoy it i need to contribute something too right?
My years of expertise in medicine would help them and earn me the money to enjoy the privilege of such technology where people have spent years in making of it

Not only sometime , it’s may be present round the clock in few people even if everything all right . Don’t hesitate to visit right person, psychologist or psychiatrist or watch these 2 videos uploaded on Instagram Today evening only

Emptiness is usually a projection of denial .It is something we are avoiding that creates the void. Some inner conflict or past wounds that haven’t gotten the attention they need projects itself as emptiness .
Try to find it resolve it or make your peace with it.