Don't blindly believe on marks , i remember someone said 138 correct in AIIMS and after result just vanished away

Don’t blindly believe on marks , i remember someone said 138 correct in AIIMS and after result just vanished away

Last year in Neet was there a discrepancy between counted marks and actual marks? Genuinely asking as this is my first attempt

At first felt so. But then it turned out to be okay for me.

what does that mean? I’m asking if your marks matched to what you had counted from the PDF’s being circulated last year…?

Those who r posting 800 + marks or 220+ questions correct , belong to NEET PG scam 2020 , as they can’t control their emotions to get their dream branch , toppers mostly don’t do it & r nervous till d results …or some intentionally do it , so no one to question them after results…

Must be noted that mostly ppl with fake ids like VHL, biomedical, pasteur etc claim 800-900marks to flip others out… Then they vanish… Only when nbe declares marks… Tht wud be final one

There r many controversies this year like maternal antibodies , derma images and many more your final rank will depend on the answers given by examiner and we will not get answer key from them , then students will file a case and the circle goes on and on like every year

The advantage and disadvantage of social media before and after neet