Enzymes specific for a few tissues can reveal injury

Enzymes specific for a few tissues can reveal injury to that tissue by leaking into the blood stream, illustrated by increased serum ALT, AST levels in liver diseases like hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis that destroy hepatic tissue.
Cancers derived from normal tissues, eg: hepatocarcinoma from hepatic cells usually have their own marker proteins(eg alpha fetoprotein for hepatocarcinoma–the liver cancer portion make answers b, c,e incorrect)
Aminotransfersases have several roles including control of toxic ammonium ion(NH4+), they transfer the aminogroup of aminoacids to alpha ketoglutarate and then to glutamate, followed by oxidative deamaination to produce ammonium ion. The ammonium ion can enter the urea cycle to form urea or be excreted to balance acidosis. Several transmaination reactions (eg alanine to pyruvate) provide substrates for Gluconeogenesis , and able to provide aminoacids for protein synthesis.