Eye blurring despite the right sight is a sign of serious disease

Eye blurring despite the right sight is a sign of serious disease

The research mentioned the case of a 77-year-old man who suffered several times with blurry in his right eye that durated more than 5 minutes to an hour.
The man’s inspection found that the hemorrhoid barriers in the hemorrhoid stopped the supply to his eyes which caused the problem.

Research by Ethner’s National and Capodsterine University found that this kind of disruption usually arises from the accumulation of cholesterol and blood cells that affect blood-causing armors to the head and neck.

Apparently this disruption is very minor but can result in serious medical problems as it increases the risk of sight eradication or deadly stroke.

Researchers say eye symptoms can also be warning symptoms for blood vessels problems.
But it is a sign of danger for those who have never faced sight weakness or other problems before.

According to researchers, eye inspections can see the system of the sharian system because it is very rare that the problems of the artery are not expressed by the eyes.

This research was published in the online medical journal New England Journal of Medicine.