Facts I learnt about plab 2 in my own point of view and through my experience

Facts I learnt about plab 2 in my own point of view and through my experience :

  • It is not a very easy exam for one good reason there are no solid grounds to stand on like plab 1 . Things will look and feel vague and unclear. The very first thing you will feel and ask is ok so what am I supposed to do now? and where shall i start? This is when the role of the academy kicks in . I really recommend taking the online course and going through the material before going for the full course.
  • You need to study the conditions in a symptom or presenting complaint based way. Like chest pain how can I approach and what are my differentials and how to manage similarly anything else headache , diahrrea etc.
  • Learn your skeleton and stick to it, how to take history and which history is relevant , investigations and examination related to the condition . Psychosocial aspect in simple words how has the patient’s life affected or caused the condition and how did his condition affect it in return.
  • ICE comes in handy especially in chronic or serious conditions
    -all this is going to be taught to you in the academy.
  • If you have considered an acting career during your life you will be happy to take this exam, seriously.:grin:
  • learn the stations as they are repeated cause you will get a good number of old stations and you need to enter those with a plan.
  • You are dealing with a human simulator . And he has your keys and he has a script be logic in your approach . I shaked hands with every simulator and smiled before sitting down. Don’t do it in the psychiatry stations though :grinning:.
  • with the right enterance they will open up. Listen to what they say and grab their sentences to start your upcoming one. They will throw hints at you all the time. Look them into the eyes and react as would normally react in real life. Incoherent affect is weird not only in the exam but seriously it is generally weird :joy:
  • panic? Oh dear you will panic I didn’t get any sleep the night before the exam. I was about to quit and not attend my exam that day.
  • if I remember more tips I will post them and if you have any questions let’s brain storm together