False about klinefelters?

  1. false about klinefelters ? a
    a. most common syndrome of sex gene involvement
    b. most common cause of hypogonadic failure is males
    c. mental retardation common
    d. serum FSH levels are consistently high
  2. Most common cause of perisent diarrhae in children ? a
    a. rota virus
    b. E coli
  3. In which of the following conditions oxygen delivery is least to muscles ? c
    a. Person inhaling 100 percent oxygent at the top of mount everest
    b. Marathon runner at sea level
    c. person with carbon monoxide poisoning
    d. none of the above ( this option none of the above was also there )
  4. Hb o2 dissociation curve to left by ? a
    a. increase pH
  5. Blood flow to brain is not influenced by ? b
    a. paco2
    b. po2
    c. cerebral circulation
    d. systemic circulation