Family doctor was visited by first time pregnant К

Family doctor was visited by first time pregnant К., 24 years, registered to woman consultation at the term of pregnancy 14 weeks. At a primary clinical and laboratory inspection E.colli was found in urine in an amount 106 CFU/L.
General condition of pregnant is satisfying. No complaints. Somatic anamnesis is not burdened. Skin and visible mucous membranes clean, pink. A tongue is clean, moist; BP is 110/70 mm Hg, pulse rate 78 per min, of satisfying criteria.
Heartbeats were rhythmic, tones are loud. Lungs – vesicular breathing, no wheezes. Mammary glands without pathological formations. Thyroid gland is not enlarged. Peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged. Abdomen is soft, painless during palpation. Pasternatsky symptom is negative for both sides. Urination is free, painless. Emptying regular.
General urine and blood analysis – normal.
Ultrasound - pregnancy fits the term of gestation of 14 weeks.
Ultrasound of kidneys - without features.

➢ What is the most likely diagnosis?
➢ What complications of pregnancy this pathology can cause?
➢ Clinical management.Required to answer. Single line text.