Features associated with DNS

Features associated with DNS include all of the following except -

    1. Epistaxis
    1. Atrophy of turbinate
    1. Hypertrophy of turbinate
    1. Recurrent sinusitis

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  • If the deviated nasal septum is minor, the patient might be asymptomatic and may not even be aware of his/her condition. The following signs and symptoms might be seen if the deviation is more severe : -
  1. Most common presenting features is nasal obstruction which may be unilateral or bilateral.
  2. Congestion in the nose.
  3. Bleeding from the nose (epistaxis).
  4. Recurrent sinus infection (maxillary sinusitis, sphenoiditis) which causes nasal discharge and pain.
  5. Headache and facial neuralgias (sludder’s neuralgia).
  6. Recurrent attacks of tonsilitis, sore throat, common cold and bronchitis due to mouth breathing & consequent dryness of mouth, pharynx and larynx (As result of nasal obstruction).
  7. Middle ear infection
  8. Cosmetic deformity.
  • There is compensatory hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate in the contralateral nasal cavity which presses on sinuses opening. This is the cause of recurrent sinusits.