Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by following except:

Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by following except:

3.Cardiac malformations
4.Chondrodysplasia punctata


Fetal alcohol syndrome has also been extensively addressed in the literature. Alcohol is a physical and behavioral teratogen. Exposure during pregnancy may result in a spectrum of symptoms secondary to varying degrees of insult to the central nervous system. Microcephaly, mild to moderate mental retardation, subtle cognitive and behavioral deficits have all been well described.

Additional features of Fetal alcohol syndrome include growth deficiency, short palpebral fissures, hypoplastic philtrum, thin upper lip, micrognathia, cardiac defects and a variety of other anomalies. Acute neonatal withdrawal from alcohol is rare. Chondrodysplasia punctate is caused by exposure of fetus to warfarin.