Finally got my step 2 result today

Finally got my step 2 result today

Here is my experience

Step 1 score 250 (april 2019)

Step 2 score 256

Prep time 2.5 Months (80 days exactly)

Uworld 1x 75% followed by mistakes and marked (didn’t have time for a second run I recommend atleast 2 runs cause you need to master uworld)

UWSA1 259 (10 days out)

UWSA2 252 (2 days out)

No NBME, No CMS and No free 120.

Uworld was my entire prep, I used FA for Biostat only.

2 things I want to mention for everyone:

1- I felt so lost during my prep. never felt I had a full grasp on all the content (unlike when I was studying Step 1) this is normal to feel just keep on studying.

2- After the exam I felt that I shit the bed even worse than what I felt after step 1. I had 15+ question marked with every block. Its all right to feel that way just trust your progress and assessment.

Good luck to everyone