Finally, the day has arrived!

Finally, the day has arrived!

Step 1 score - 245 !!

What a relief. Phew!

I want to genuinely thank each and everyone on this group. All of you have been extremely instrumental in relieving my anxiety. Just skimming through the posts on this group was always such a stress-buster.

Don’t want to write a long post.

Just a few take-home messages:

  1. I am a non-US IMG and a post-graduate from my home-country. YOG is 2015. So, if I can do it, you all definitely can!

  2. For beginners, start U-World from Day 1.

  3. DONOT be under/over- confident depending on assessments scores. Use them only to identify weak areas and work on them.

  4. DONOT entangle yourself into the statistics of “predictiveness” of any assessment.

  5. Keep doing UW questions till the end. I would personally recommend to solve atleast 3-4 blocks even one day prior to the exam.

  6. I personally did NOT find any use of those Conrad Fischer’s 100 cases of ethics! I found many points to be contradictory to UW and FA.

  7. Donot use many resources, that you cannot revise.


Although I’ve never believed in predictiveness of assessments, but just for the record, my UWSAs did overpredict by around 10-20 points. NBME 24 was more reliable in my case.

That’s all folks!

Keep working hard.

Please feel free to ask any questions that you might have, will be happy to answer!