First I would like to thank everyone sent me congratulations  and liked my previous post

First I would like to thank everyone sent me congratulations  and liked my previous post :slightly_smiling_face:
I would like to help as much as I can in the memory of my only brother who was in the medical school and passed away 25 years ago after he contracted fulminant hepatitis B while was suturing a wound of a patient …

I started studying step 3 last November with uworld step 3 for about 6 months when my exam was canceled in May 2020 , I knew that I should study some of step one so I did some uworld qbank in pharmacology, biostatistics,but not so much .
I gave my first attempt last June (one day btw the two dates) I felt confident butttt I got some weired ccs cases ! I failed 196 :disappointed:
My uwsa1 was 198, uwsa2 was 204

I decided immediately the day I got my result to retake it again while crying and getting soooo disappointed ! My mother had the big role in encouraging me to do so …
Buttt this time I decided to focus on step one .
I didn’t have the fa book ( I gave it to my friend) so I used amboss ( 5 days free trial) all the time and did alotttttt of questions in pharmacology, microbiology, biostatistics, ethics ( my weak points were biostatistics and ethics )and also biostatistics, ethics of uworld step one .
Nbme 4 offline & NBME 5 offline , some ck notes( bacteriology and intoxication drugs) ,questions sample on the USMLE step 3 website , some biostatistics from files of USMLE step one forum . I tried to study biostatistics from everywhere …
Didn’t have time for uworld step 3 again , just reviewed some few notes.
FA book ( PDF)I studied tables in microbiology.
Uwsa1&uwsa2 the second time were both 243 ,but it meant nothing for me coz I remembered them .
Ccs cases :
First attempt I did archer videos all of them
Uworld cases 3-4 times
Second attempt I did uworld cases
And crush which I highly recommend it
The six cases on the USMLE step 3 website

On the day of exam :
I tried to sleep well the night before which I highly assure on it , stopped studying at 5 pm .
I took 5 min break after each block
After every 3 cases I took a break , at the end I found I got about 40 min break left :slightly_smiling_face:
I ate some grain bars during the breaks .

Special note : don’t waste ur time on drug ad , I tried to look on one of them so I ran out of time 5 questions at the end of the block and answered them randomly :disappointed:

My score was 212 which absolutely doesn’t match my hard working and knowledge but it’s ok :slightly_smiling_face:
Finishing this journey I guess it’s a victory :slightly_smiling_face:

Btw I still believe in luck , but more in trying and deciding to struggle until reaching our goals …

Good luck for you all