Free webinars dedicated to Orthopaedic Surgeons are available!

Free webinars dedicated to Orthopaedic Surgeons are available!

:desktop_computer: KeriMedical: CMCJ Implantation Antero palmar VS. dorsal approach
:white_check_mark: Experience and TIPS & TRICKS from 2 long term experienced CMCJ’s users
:date:June, 10th, 5.00 pm
:point_right:t3:More info & Registration:

:desktop_computer: Spineway: Principles of mont blanc MIS and range of possibilities
:date:June, 11th, 11.00 am
:point_right:t3:More info & Registration:

:desktop_computer: Spineway: Scoliosis correction in Minimal Invasive Surgery with mont blanc MIS
:date:June, 19th, 11.00 am
:point_right:t3:More info & Registration: