Getting pregnant after anal sex is possible

Getting pregnant after anal sex is possible

In the practice of anal sex, the possibility of pregnancy exists if the sperm goes from anus in the vagina, since the woman can get pregnant when the sperm enters the vagina.

In sex where ejaculation occurs or there is fluid release near the vagina, care should be taken, as the flow into the vagina can lead to pregnancy. This happens most often with ejaculation of sperm, but can also happen in the presence of pre-ejaculatory fluids that can contain spermatozoies in a minimum amount. These fluids have the function of cleaning the urethra, preparing the penis for sex and which are released by humans in the excitement phase.

Hard to believe, but it is possible, in very, very rare cases, to get pregnant after anal sex.

Amazing as it may seem, this is the unlikely conclusion that the Urology Urology Group in Atlantic City, Brian Steixner, came after studying the case of a very special patient.

Dr. Steixner told Men’s Health that a patient who had only sex before getting pregnant actually conceived a child due to cloacal malformation.

This rare condition makes the vagina, rectum, and urethra tubes, which are normally separated, are all connected in one channel. In this lady’s case, the vagina canal was connected to the rectum.

Obviously, this one had undergone an operation to separate the three channels, but a mistake made a tiny connection between the rectum and vagina channels.

Result: After a battery of tests and X-ray, the medical team responsible for the unorthodox case came to the conclusion that an anal sex was involved.

A c-section surgery was carried out during childbirth, so things ended well for the mother and child.

Still today, Dr. Steixner calls this case the ′′ best story ever ".

But rest assured, only one in 50 women is at risk of experiencing the same as this patient.


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