Gynecology & Obstetrics MCQ Revision

Gynecology & Obstetrics MCQ Revision

Gynecology MCQs

  1. Lady with infertility with bilateral tubal block at cornua. Best method ofmanagement is :
    a. Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy
    b. Hydrotubation
    c. IVF
    d. Tuboplasty
    Answer : A; Laparoscopy is done for proper assessment & to exclude active infection or TB.
  2. Women with postmenopausal bleeding need endometrial sampling if endometrial onUS is thicker than
    a. 1mm
    b. 2mm
    c. 5mm
    d. 8mm
    e. 10mm
    Answer : C ; endometrial thickness in menopause > 5 mm is suspicious for hyperplasia
  3. Which of the following change in puberty is influenced by the estrogen:
    a. Growth of the acinar buds of the breast
    b. Epiphyseal fusion
    c. Proliferatve phase
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer : D : Estrogen is critical for epiphyseal fusion in both young men and women .Proliferative phase also continues under the effect of ovarian estrogen produced by the maturating follicles till ovulation occurs . Estrogen also can affects both ductal and glandular “ acinar “ system of breast .
  4. Sub urethral diverticula may occur as a sequelae to infection of:
    a. Bartholin’s gland
    b. Skene’s gland
    c. Clitoral gland
    d. Vulvovaginal gland
    Answer : B ; Periurethral glands (Skene’s glands) are tubuloalveolar structures along the
    dorsolateral aspect that drain into the distal two thirds of the urethra. Repeated infection and obstruction of these glands lead to formation of sub-urethral cysts or abscesses that can rupture into the urethral lumen.