Has anyone faced an unjustifiably wrong result for driving practical test? I had test today, i failed

Has anyone faced an unjustifiably wrong result for driving practical test? I had test today, i failed.

He said i applied break while signal was still green. Im not stupid. I never did that. We even rechecked it in dashcam video. My instructor agreed i didn’t drive wrong at all. I didnt apply any dangerous break. I might would have applied gentle break (to slow down) while approaching a green signal becoz of anticipation to stop (if it turns yellow). I was never dangerous. I had constant view of my back thru centre mirror.

My instructor said just reapply. U cant challenge decision. I felt its a bussiness for them as the whole exam is v subjective and then v cant even challenge decision despite having dashcam recording (with voice).

Has anyone faced such biased wrong test decision? Could anything be done? Im not a perfect driver i know, but i have been driving for 15 years all over gcc. I had been driving in uk in my own car on intl lisence. I never had any accident or any issues. I have road sense. I did sit with my instructor and went through whole dash cam video to find anything wrong but we could not find any faults.

I think its a business they have made to keep failing u and this needs to be highlighted. The procedure of challenging decision is firstly long and complicated (throught magistrate court) and even if u win appeal, only ur retest would be free. This is again wrong. When we have dashcam recording then y are u wasting time and money of others.

I think uk needs a big time change in it’s SOP for lisences Who adopts an outdated way of sending passport/brp to get provisional lisence to start with? World have moved on to e governance and uk is still decades behind in this respect.

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