He is likely to be suffering from –

A 14 year old boy has difficulty in expressing himself in writing and makes frequent spelling mistakes, does not follow instruction and cannot wait for his turn while playing a game. He is likely to be suffering from –

    1. Mental retardation
    1. Lack of interest in studies
    1. Specific learning disability
    1. Examination anxiety

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  • Learning disability (LD) is defined as a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, speak, read, write, spell or to do mathematical calculations.
  • Learning disability is suspected when there is unexpected underachievement in adequate educational settings.
  • The DSM-IV defines three academic skill specific learning disorders.
  1. Reading disorder
  2. Mathematic disorder
  3. Disorder in written expression
  • Another subtyping is language-based LD commonly known as dyslexia (problem in reading, spelling and written expression) and nonverbal LD (deficits in arthmetic and spacial cognition).

  • Dyslexia is the most common type of learning disability.

  • Children with dyslexia have problem in reading, spelling and written expression.

  • The important clues to dyslexia in school age children include delayed language, trouble rhymic words, mispronunciation, hesitation, work-finding difficulties and poor spellings with presence of letter reversal. Reading is slow, inaccurated and labored.

  • Coming back to question, the child has

  1. Difficulty in expressing himself in written (problem in written expression)
  2. Makes spelling mistakes (problem in spelling).
  • Both these are manifestations of dyslexia, a specific learning disability.