Hello, so my boyfriend tore his acl, lcl, and mcl while playing softball

Hello, so my boyfriend tore his acl, lcl, and mcl while playing softball. He’s been to the doctor and she said he’s gonna need surgery. The doc prescribed him 800 mg ibuprofen which has helped with the swelling but his ankle and foot is still swollen and it’s causing him pain. He Hasent been able to sleep at night because of it and he’s done asked previously about pain meds and the doc doesn’t think he needs them so what should he do? Any tips? They want to do rehab for like two weeks before they do reconstructive surgery.

It is easier to perform surgery when the swelling is less. I did a video and put it on this facebook wall to help people reduce swelling. Resolving swelling is one of my specialties. I am a Physical Therapist in Dallas, TX. Maybe you can search the wall and find the video. Next Wed Morning at 10 am central time I will be doing a free zoom webinar where I will be teaching about how to get swelling under control and even resolved before and after surgery. If you and or your boyfriend would like to attend and I would encourage you both to come email me at [email protected] and I will email you the link for the zoom webinar. I will be teaching how to reduce and resolve swelling during the webinar so you can do it during and after the webinar. And keep using the information for as long as he needs it. Being there in person you can ask questions specific to your needs and goals. I will go into more detail than I offer in the 5 minute video I put on this wall.