Helpful tips to get rid of the smell of breath

Helpful tips to get rid of the smell of breath

Breath can have various causes of smell such as smoking medicines or your diet.
Basically all foods turn into pieces inside the mouth and if you eat fast odor foods like garlic or onions they don’t smell until these foods pass through the body. If you eat teeth daily If not brushed, food factors remain in the mouth, which increases the number of germs between the teeth, gums and tongue that cause breath odor.
But the good thing is that a few minor changes and household prescriptions are possible to overcome this problem.

Following are a few simple and natural solutions.

Brush and the toothpaste
One of the easiest ways to ensure good teeth cleaning when deciding to get rid of the odor of breath. Brushing and toothpick daily (2 times a day if possible) is to smell in the mouth The number of causing bacteria decreases. Texas may feel difficult but it helps to remove the dietary particles that cause bacteria growth and offensive smell. Similarly It is also necessary to replace a toothbrush every 2 to 3 months so that its fibers will not be weak over time and ineffective for dental cleaning.

Cleaning the tongue
The breeding of bacteria that causes tongue odor is a field of breeding but most people ignore it while brushing their teeth. After brushing your teeth, clean your tongue with this brush or a tongue cleaning device can also be bought. Who will always keep this problem away.

Water and water
Want to remove the smell of breath in 10 seconds or less? So drink water from the skin, a common cause of offensive smell is mouth drying, the saliva in the process of slowing down increases bacteria growth which causes breath odor, that’s why breathing in the morning If it is very stinking, drinking water after getting up or drinking proper amount of water throughout the day can prevent this problem.

A look at the food
Some foods are known as the smell of breath, so one simple remedy to get rid of this problem is not to eat them. Avoid foods that have high acidity or more gratitude, because both of them have bacteria. Growth is encouraged. If you want to get rid of the smell immediately, eat an apple or some amount of yogurt.

By the way, mouthwash is only for refreshing the breath but they can hide that unwanted smell for a while, if you are using mouthwash as a solution to remove the odor problem in breath, So choose a product that can prevent bacteria growth, which will help get rid of unwanted smell. You can also prepare mouthwash at home, for this purpose one cup of water one tea spoon Mix baking soda and a few drops of mint oil with sticks and avoid swallowing.

Eat fennel
If you can’t find anything, go to the kitchen and stitch a pinch of fennel in your mouth and sting it, fennel’s germs prevents the increase of bacteria while its fragrance hides the smell of breath.

Clove is also helpful
Clove contains a type of oil eugenol that features killing bacteria, to get benefit of it, put a clove in the mouth and chew it on the tongue, when oil is filled in the mouth, then chew it. Spit out the clove.

Get help from cinnamon
Like fennel and clove, cinnamon is also a sterilized spice, while the grease in it kills the germs and smells in the mouth, just suck some amount of it and problem solves.

Fruit peels
Wash lemon or orange peel and chew it in the mouth, it will bring instant freshness to the breath while the citric acid in the peel will help increase the amount of saliva.

Green vegetables
Coriander, mint and other breath odors can help to get rid of as they contain chlorofal that removes smell.