Hi! for months I've been wondering one thing about uworld:

Hi! for months I’ve been wondering one thing about uworld:
Uworld is constantly updating past questions (not just new questions, but past questions as well)

For example, adding new images to the explanation, new tables, changing significant text in the explanations, sometimes (rare) but has happened→ even changing the correct answer of the question, so it is very difficult for us to keep up with the updates of Aaaaall the questions, especially when we already did a specific question in a test, so we move in with the questions we have not done yet in the qbank, so here it goes a proposition:
Can we share the updates that we spot in the questions so that it is easier to keep up with them?

This is especially useful for the ones that have finished already the qbank

I was thinking in a collaborative file online, hopefully people will use it appropriately and we can get to see the changes in questions we already did, I already started an Excel file in Microsoft Office online, so anyone with the link can edit this file, with the hope that this will become a collaboration with everyone and everyone will benefit from it, thank you: