How is acute graft versus host disease (aGvHD) treated?

How is acute graft versus host disease (aGvHD) treated?

If aGvHD occurs, your doctor will discuss available treatment options with you and your family. Many patients are successfully treated with increased immunosuppression in the form of oral (given by mouth) or intravenous (given through the vein) steroid medicines. If steroids are unsuccessful or are not appropriate to use, other treatment options are available.

How is chronic graft versus host disease (cGvHD) treated?

If cGvHD occurs, your doctor will discuss available treatment options with you and your family. Long-term immunosuppressive medicines are usually the treatment regimen for cGvHD. Fungal, bacterial, and viral infections are a major risk with this treatment option since your immune system will be suppressed for a very long time. Your doctor will prescribe several medicines to help prevent these life-threatening infections from occurring.

The treatment of cGvHD can take many months to years.